
I saw Mortal Engines yesterday. I was lured into buying my ticket at the cinema because of the 75p online booking fee. The ticket was only £3.50, uber cheap for that particular cinema.

However, because I bought the ticket at the cinema, I was lured in by the smell of popcorn 🍿 and ended up spending just over £11 on the ticket, a small popcorn & small drink!!


Anyway, the film started 27 minutes after it was meant to, thanks to the elongated drivel of adverts and a few trailers.

I had hoped for great things for Mortal Engines as I adored the books. Sadly, it’s not great. It’s kind of forgettable.

And Shrike isn’t right at all. Anna Fang isn’t right either. None of the children are right, mostly because in the film they aren’t children!

For me, having older characters doesn’t work at all in Mortal Engines. I don’t know what age they’re meant to be in the film – I’m guessing early 20’s, but one actor is 30, one 29 and another 26. In the books they are about 15. They should’ve kept it in that age range.

And Shrike isn’t right!! He was my favourite character in the books, which is weird as he’s a resurrected dead man….

Anyway, off to Dublin on Thursday with the bestie. Hoping for some dry weather for a start! It’s really very close to Christmas to be going away for 2 days, but sure, it’ll be grand! I’ll get the turkey sometime! 🦃

5 thoughts on “Engines

  1. Pingback: Richard Armitage tangentially related | Me + Richard Armitage

  2. Just stopping over upon Servetus’ recommendation. (And can’t believe that I neither never followed your blog nor realised that you are based on the same island as myself… To be remedied immediately.)
    Had been contemplating Mortal Engines, too – just out of loyalty for Sir Peter. After your quick review I am not so keen anymore. Thanks for sharing your impressions.
    Anyway, have fun in Dublin tomorrow! Check the elaborate and beautiful Christmas window displays in Brown Thomas on Grafton Street 😉
    (Funnily enough, I am making the journey in reverse exactly one week later – going to Belfast on the 27th.)

    • Hey! I guess my disappointment comes mostly because it wasn’t what I had in my imagination, which must always a problem when books are adapted for film.

      Maybe the reasoning for having older characters than in the book, would become apparent if the trilogy was made, which seems unlikely. It’s not terrible by any means, but a lost opportunity in my eyes.

      We are going down to Dublin tomorrow, having lunch, then I’m going to see that matinee of Les Miserables whilst bestie goes mad in the shoe shops. Then we’re going to the Wild Lights show in the zoo. Massive hotel breakfast on Friday, more shopping, then back up the Road home!

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